A Hotel is any building equipped, used or advertised to the public as a place where sleeping accommodations are rented to temporary or transient guests. A license is not transferable or refundable and any change in location or ownership requires a new license.
What types of services are offered through the Scott County Health Department Hotel/Motel Licensing and Enforcement Program?
The Hotel/Motel Licensing and Enforcement Program:
Is there a fee for the service/program?
There is no fee for information about hotel and motel inspections. License fees for the facilities are based on the number of rooms in the hotel or motel.
For information on the Iowa Administrative Code:
To review the FY19 Food, Hotel, and Vending Programs Year End Report, visit SCHD's Health Data Page at https://www.scottcountyiowa.com/health/data-assessments/health-data.