The 89th Iowa General Assembly passed new legislation (HF2431) during the 2022 session that affects food licensing rules in Iowa.
Although there are some exceptions, beginning July 1, 2022, most foods that do not need to be kept hot or cold for safety may be sold directly to the consumer without a license, provided they meet certain labeling requirements. Additional information on cottage foods will be available soon on this website.
“Cottage foods” are foods that are prepared in a residence that is not subject to licensing or inspection. As defined by the new legislation, "cottage foods” must meet ALL of the following criteria:
Is it a cottage food, or is a home food processing establishment license needed?
Cottage Foods & Farmers Markets fact sheet
Home-canned Pickles, Vegetables, and Fruits:
“Cottage food” MAY include home-canned pickles, vegetables or fruits if ALL of the following apply:
Items Prohibited for Sale Under Iowa Cottage Food Law
The following items may not be sold under Iowa cottage food law:
Labeling Requirements for Cottage Foods
Cottage food labels MUST contain the following information:
Cottage Food Templates and Examples: