Applications for Home Occupations/Home Industries are available at the Planning and Development Department, and must be approved prior to the initiation of the business.
Home Occupations are a secondary use permitted in residential and agricultural zoning districts which is conducted entirely within the residence by a member of the family residing on the premises. There must be no evidence of such occupation being conducted on the premises by virtue of exterior displays, outdoor storage, excessive noise, obnoxious odors, electrical disturbances or considerable vehicular traffic.
A Home Industry is a secondary use of a light industrial or commercial nature carried on entirely within the residence and/or accessory building by a member of the family residing on the premises where there is no evidence of such occupation being conducted on the premises by virtue of exterior displays or excessive noises, obnoxious odors, electrical disturbances, or significant increase in vehicular activity and complies with restrictions.
One advertising sign allowed:
A fee will be collected with the submittal of an application: