Scott County News and Notices

Displaying 781 - 800 of 876
For many, buckling up in a vehicle is second nature. However, in 2014, 9,385 people nationwide lost their lives as a result of not buckling their seat belt; and in Iowa in 2014, 118 of the 322 crash fatalities were not buckled up. In our rural state, it is important to note that nationally 61-...
Posted: May 23, 2016
On May 15, 2016 at 3:59 pm, Scott Emergency Communications Center dispatched a single vehicle rollover accident in the area of 21445 Scott Park Road. Scott County Deputies’, Eldridge Police Department, Eldridge Fire Department, Medic Ambulance and MedForce all responded to the scene. An Illinois...
Posted: May 16, 2016
John Hauschilf and Thomas Gibbs
The Scott County Sheriff’s Office has received the 40 year participation award from the National Child Safety Council which was accepted by Major Thomas Gibbs on behalf of the Sheriff’s Office. This award was presented by John Hauschild from the National Child Safety Council, which is the oldest...
Posted: May 13, 2016
Side of a Scott County Sheriff vehicle.
Update –May 10, 2016 The occupants of the 1995 Buick Century that were fatally injured on May 9th 2016 in the accident on Interstate-80, were identified as Angela Quinn (43YOA) and Aaron Quinn (47YOA) both of Albia Iowa. The accident is still under investigation. On May 9th, 2016 at 3:18pm Scott...
Posted: May 10, 2016
Sample ballot.
New interactive Sample Ballot available to registered voters by the Scott County Auditor.
Posted: May 9, 2016
West Lake Beach is seeking qualified, friendly, responsible, team players to join our lifeguard staff. To apply, please visit our website at .
Posted: May 6, 2016
Mahesh Sharma
Mahesh C. Sharma of Raymore, Missouri has accepted a conditional offer of employment as the Scott County Administrator.
Posted: May 4, 2016
Scott County Sheriff shoulder patch.
On May 3rd, 2016 at approximately 12:58 a.m. , a 64 year old Long Grove resident identified as Ardell Oster Jr called 911 and advised that he had been stabbed by his wife. Oster advised that he had woke up to his wife Patricia Oster stabbing him. As a result if the initial investigation, the...
Posted: May 3, 2016
THANK YOU Correctional Officers and Employees
In 1984, President Ronald Reagan signed Proclamation 5187 creating “National Correctional Officers’ Week.” The first full week in May has since been recognized as National Correctional Officers’ Week to honor the work of correctional officers and correctional personnel nationwide. The Sheriff’s...
Posted: May 2, 2016
Side of a Scott County Sheriff vehicle.
On May 2, 2016 at 1548 hrs, Scott County Deputies were dispatched to a 2 vehicle accident at the intersection of 60th Ave and 295th St. Scott County Sheriff’s Office, Iowa State Patrol, Walcott Police Department, Dixon Volunteer Fire Department, Medic Ambulance, Bennet Ambulance, Wheatland...
Posted: May 2, 2016
May is Mental Health Month: 1 in 5 adults in the United States experiences mental illness. Learn more this Mental Health Month.
Posted: May 1, 2016
Dropping ballot in the mail
Absentee/early voting ballots for the Iowa Primary Election are available at the Auditor’s Office. The Iowa Primary Election is Tuesday, June 7, 2016.
Posted: April 27, 2016
Administrative Center
Jim Hancock, Scott County Board Chair announced that three applicants have been invited for interviews for the position of Scott County Administrator. The three candidates are Gregg Mandsager of Muscatine, IA, Mahesh Sharma of Raymore, MO and Todd Thompson of Galesburg, IL.
Posted: April 19, 2016
Pete McGhee  Kyle Jager
The Scott County Sheriff’s Office would like to congratulate two more new Reserve Deputies, Kyle Jager and Pete McGhee, that were sworn in this morning (April 18th) by Sheriff Conard.
Posted: April 18, 2016
Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) Iowa Department of Public Safety Seal Logo.
Distracted driving has been a hot topic in the news for several years, and yet, despite great outreach, distracted driving is a growing epidemic. This April, the Iowa Department of Public Safety’s (DPS) Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) wants to bring to light the alarming number of crashes...
Posted: April 13, 2016
Iowa State Sheriff’s & Deputies’ Association Badge.
As Sheriff of Scott County, I would like to discuss an issue very close to each of us — crime prevention. Our office is committed to making our neighborhoods safer places to live. By doing so, we will improve the quality of life for individuals and families…both young and old. It is imperative that...
Posted: April 8, 2016
New Reserves Ackerman and Smith with the Sheriff.
The Scott County Sheriff’s Office would like to congratulate our two new Reserve Deputies Eric Ackerman and Jeff Smith that were sworn in on April 4th by Sheriff Conard.
Posted: April 4, 2016
National Public Health Week - - An Initiative of the American Public Health Association
Public Health Protects! Learn how the clinical services and environmental health teams work to protect children from lead poisoning in Scott County.
Posted: April 1, 2016
Side of a Scott County Sheriff vehicle.
On March 31st at approximately 6:45 p.m. the Scott County Sheriff’s Office responded to a complaint in Long Grove on East Grove Street concerning suspicious activity. The complainant reported that she answered a knock at her door where two white males identified themselves as City of Long Grove...
Posted: April 1, 2016
The third step in protecting your sexual health is Treat . Some STDs can be cured with the right medicine from your doctor. It is important that you take all of the medication your doctor prescribes. Other STDs are not curable, but they are treatable. Your doctor can talk with you about which medications are right for you.
Posted: March 31, 2016
