Suspicious Activity in Long Grove

Side of a Scott County Sheriff vehicle.

On March 31st at approximately 6:45 p.m. the Scott County Sheriff’s Office responded to a complaint in Long Grove on East Grove Street concerning suspicious activity. The complainant reported that she answered a knock at her door where two white males identified themselves as City of Long Grove employees and were with a “cancer protection group.” One of the males identified himself as "Kevin" and carried a metal clipboard.  The complainant stated she thought it was strange and told them she wasn't interested. They asked about her neighbors but then left in a dark colored older model vehicle. The two males are described as in their late 20's or early 30's wearing dark colored pants with a gray zippered jacket. The two males were last seen leaving in a dark, older model vehicle towards Highway 61. 

If you would receive such a solicitor at your door, please call 9-1-1 to report this suspicious activity.

April 1, 2016