Public Comment Needed Regarding Health Services for Mothers and Children in Iowa

Detailed Description of the Public Comment Request from Iowa Department of Health and Human Services External Link

Calling on the community to help Iowa's children and families!  The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services and the University of Iowa Division of Child and Community Health are seeking public comment about the needs of children and families.  They also want to hear about what services should be offered through the federal grant that provides important health services to mothers and children in Iowa.  More details available in the remainder of this post.  Comment is due by May 30th.  Comment period has closed.

Request for Public Input on Maternal & Child Health Goals and Activities 
Officials with the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services and the University of Iowa Division of Child and Community Health are seeking comments from the public regarding the federal grant that provides important health services to mothers and children. Comments must be received by May 30, 2023.

What are Iowa's Title V Priorities, Needs, and Proposed Activities?
The Title V Block Grant is a federal-state partnership to address eight National Performance Measures (NPMs) and seven State Performance Measures (SPMs). The attached document contains the draft, proposed NPM and SPM plans for federal fiscal year 2024 this information as well as data charts is included in the Google Form used to collect comments. You can make a difference in the health of women, children, and families!

One requirement of the Title V Block Grant is to gain public input concerning priorities, needs, and proposed program activities. State priorities were chosen for the five year grant period based on the 2021 Title V Needs Assessment. Your input is important at all times to help Iowa HHS understand how well programs are working.

Whether you want to comment specifically on the Title V Block Grant and the state's activities related to that or you want to comment more generally on the needs of children and families, your interest and willingness to provide input is appreciated. Note that when comments are reported, they are summarized so that people making them are not identified.

This year, IDPH will be utilizing Google Forms to collect feedback related to the plans. In the online survey:
• If you are responding to a specific measure or priority from the MCH Block Grant, please use the comment section for the specific NPM or SPM.
• If you have a general comment, concern, resource, or idea to which you want to draw our attention, use the general comments/question area at the end of the survey.
• If you don't have any comments or questions, please still complete the survey by selecting the option that you have no comments for NPMs and SPMs for Title V staff to be able to measure the reach of this survey.

Thank you for your attention, expertise, and time!

Health Department External Link
May 19, 2023