
The Scott County IRVM objective is to establish diverse stands of native plants in the right-of-way. These strong, weed-resistant plant communities adapt to all roadside conditions and provide a variety of services: enhancing rainfall infiltration; slowing runoff; trapping sediment; reducing erosion and creating habitat for pollinators, nesting birds and other wildlife.


You can donate by mailing donation to Scott County Secondary Roads office or call 563-326-8640 and schedule a meeting with the roadside manager Brian Burkholder. By donating your helping us provide native vegetation creating habitat for wildlife, nesting birds, and pollinators.

Donations received will remain within the IRVM program and used for equipment and services restoring Iowa’s natural heritage one planting at a time. (Check with you tax preparer for tax ex-emption status of donations).

Mailing address:

Scott County Secondary Roads
950 East Blackhawk Trail
Eldridge, IA 52748

Schedule a meeting:

Call 563-326-8640 to meet with the IRVM Cooridnator.