Scott County News and Notices

Displaying 601 - 605 of 876
Campers playing with hula-hoops during an indian presentation.
We have openings for children 6 - 12 yrs old who love to explore, learn about nature, and make lots of new friends! Day camps are available starting in June at Pioneer Village. Register now for one or all of the eight, 1 week adventures! Camp Information Online Registration - New this year!...
Posted: February 19, 2018
picture of chicken salad on a piece of lettuce, sitting on a plate
A consumer advisory has been issued for chicken salad sold at Fareway grocery stores. Click the link below to find out if any of the food product you have may be part of the recall.
Posted: February 13, 2018
SCOTT COUNTY RECORDER MEDIA RELEASE February 12, 2018 Rita Vargas, Scott County Recorder, received notice in the New Orleans Passport Center Newsletter informing the public of changes to the issuance of U.S. Passports. Beginning this month, passport applicants who have been certified as having a...
Posted: February 12, 2018
Sheriffs Office
Press Release: A joint investigation, involving daytime residential burglaries in Bettendorf, Davenport, and rural Scott County, has resulted in the arrest of two suspects. Kalandis Rashird McNeil Sr. and Erica Elizabeth Kauer were both arrested on 02/07/18 in Bettendorf, after a Bettendorf Police...
Posted: February 8, 2018
photo of chili cook off winners with smokey the bear
And.. Here are the winners: 3 Students from Walcott Intermediate, Nasaih Kolwey, Nasir Kolwey, Eli Benson
Posted: February 5, 2018
