Report Property Changes & Updates Form

Property Owner:

Please take a moment to answer the following questions about any changes to your property. Failure to do so may result in the improper valuation or misclassification of your property.

If you have questions, please contact our office at 563-326-8635.

When answering the questions below, please refer to your current property data and buildings on the Assessor's website at External Link

In the past few years, has there been any significant remodeling to any buildings on the property?
In the past few years, has there been any new buildings, additions, or improvements added on the property?
In the past few years, has the use of any of the buildings on the property changed from one use to another?
(Such as barn to garage, garage to living space, etc.)
In the past few years, have any buildings been removed from the property?
In the past few years, has any of the land on the property changed use?
(Such as crop to non-crop, non-crop to crop, timber cleared and timber planted, etc.)
Please list any other property data issues or errors in box below.

Thank you for your assistance.

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